
Submaximal oxygen uptake kinetics, functional mobility, and physical activity in older adults with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction

7 years 8 months ago
CONCLUSIONS: Based on their mobility performance, older HF patients with reduced ejection fraction are at risk for adverse functional outcomes. In this population, submaximal oxygen uptake measures may be equivalent to VO2 peak in predicting functional mobility, and in addition to being more feasible, may provide better insight into how aerobic function relates to mobility in older adults with HF.
Scott L Hummel

High-flow-mediated constriction in adults is not influenced by biomarkers of cardiovascular and metabolic risk

7 years 9 months ago
CONCLUSIONS: Increased body mass, fat mass, and body mass index were associated with a greater H-FMC. When H-FMC was present, the FMD response to reactive hyperemia was significantly lower. Because H-FMC has been observed to negatively affect FMD response to reactive hyperemia, we suggest that H-FMC should be noted when analyzing and interpreting FMD data. H-FMC may be an ancillary measure of endothelial health. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound 45:35-42, 2017.
Joseph D Ostrem

Reproducibility of Brachial Vascular Changes with Alterations in End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide

8 years ago
The purpose of this study was to examine the reproducibility of the peripheral vascular response to hypercapnia. Healthy college-aged men (n = 7) and women (n = 10) underwent an iso-oxic 10-mm Hg increase in PetCO2 for 12 min. Brachial artery diameter changes were measured using ultrasound imaging. Two tests were completed on day 1 with 15 min of rest between tests. Tests were repeated on day 2. Paired t-tests, Bland-Altman plots and intra-class correlations (ICCs) determined reproducibility....
Justin R Geijer

Reproducibility of blood oxygen level-dependent signal changes with end-tidal carbon dioxide alterations

8 years 2 months ago
Hypercapnia has been utilized as a stimulus to elicit changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF). However, in many instances it has been delivered in a non-controlled method that is often difficult to reproduce. The purpose of this study was to examine the within- and between-visit reproducibility of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes to an iso-oxic square wave alteration in end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure (P(et) CO(2) ). Two 3-Tesla (3T) MRI scans were performed on the same...
Donald R Dengel

Comparison of brachial dilatory responses to hypercapnia and reactive hyperemia

8 years 2 months ago
Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) relies on reactive hyperemia to stimulate the endothelium to release nitric oxide, causing smooth muscle relaxation. Hypercapnia also produces vasodilation, which is thought to be nitric oxide-independent. The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast the effects of hypercapnia and reactive hyperemia as stimuli for brachial artery dilation. On separate days, twenty-five participants underwent vasodilation studies via reactive hyperemia or hypercapnia (i.e. 10...
Justin R Geijer
43 minutes 41 seconds ago
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